If you are looking for a space-efficient bathtub to introduce into your bathroom without occupying too much room, then this bathtub will serve your very purpose. That is because as opposed to a freestanding tub, it does not require the surrounding four walls to offer support. Instead, It is exactly as its name suggest. It is dropped in straight into a frame or structure that is also known as a surround. This leaves only the rim of the tub visible, providing an elegant and classy look. Built in bathtubs offer greater options in terms of storage. For example, if the bathtub has a sizeable surround, you’ll be able to use these edges for the placement of your shower products. Shelves can also be mounted on the walls beside the bathtub. The bathtub will also have a cleaner, look since, the plumbing can be neatly tucked away under the bathtub and out of sight. Of course, all this measurement and precision works means that an expert installer might be required to help with the installation.